HIPAA Compliance Audit

HIPAA Compliance Audit

HIPAA Compliance VerificationDo you know if your business network is HIPAA compliant, or do you just assume it is? RST Computer Services offers a comprehensive network HIPAA Compliance Audit service for your Business! Now you can get detailed reports showing exactly where your systems are compliant and where they are not. No more guessing or hoping! You can now validate that your systems are compliant!

In today’s online world, Healthcare businesses are being targeted by Hackers, Ransomware, and other forms of Malware. ePHI (electronic Patient Health Information) is becoming the favorite target of attackers.

Why are Healthcare Businesses being targeted? Because Medical Records are valuable on the black market!

What is the typical cost of a Data Breach?

Auditing your Healthcare business network identifies major weaknesses and compliance needs including:

  • Inadequate or no perimeter defense
  • Inadequate patching to prevent vulnerabilities
  • Lack of anti-virus / anti-spyware to combat malware
  • Improper administrative access
  • Improper access to sensitive information
  • Poor physical security practices, including handling of removable drives, data center security, and inadequate access control
  • Internal vulnerabilities
  • Poorly setup Group Policies
  • Lack of consistency with application of Local Security Policies
  • Unusual or unauthorized login attempts by employees or attackers
  • Defunct or rogue users and computers
  • Compliance Level Auditing

Contact us today and we will send you a FREE HIPAA Compliance Check!

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