Remote work, cybercrime and skyrocketing ransomware attacks – why you must secure employee devices


So, you’ve jumped on the hybrid work train and let your employees take their work devices home to use – but have you ensured those devices are safe from cyberattack? Martin McGregor, CEO and co-founder of Devicie says tightening your cyber security is the most important thing you should do if your staff work from home.

The rapid rise of remote and hybrid work has drastically expanded the threat landscape, with employee devices becoming among the most exploited attack vectors.

Around 90 per cent of attackers are now breaching company defences through employee devices. The smartphones, tablets and laptops that were quickly deployed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic massively expanded the threat surface and the number of potential targets for cybercriminals.

Security challenges for hybrid businesses

Workplace flexibility has also created huge opportunities for criminals intent on stealing data and extorting money from businesses. This is why ransomware has skyrocketed to become one of the most prevalent issues facing Australian companies. Read more…